The world's premier medieval interest society.

Webmaster's Notes

So, what exactly is this part of the site? Quite simply it is the one part of the site where I can prattle on about the Lance and Longbow Society web site rather than the society itself.

Site History

Back in 1999 I discussed the idea of a web site for the Lance and Longbow Society with Dave Lanchester. It was completed towards the end of that year and proved to be very popular, helping to increase the membership, along with giving us a greater world presence. Since then the site has undergone a number of re-designs, with the latest being this one in 2009.

I hope you like the site and find it useful. If you have any comments regarding it (both good and bad), or thoughts on what you would like to see on the site, please e-mail me. My contact details can be found on the Contact Details page.

Browser Compatibility

In my opinion the best web browser is Mozilla's FireFox, however, Miscrosoft's Internet Explorer is still the most popular browser at present. Consequently I have tried to make this site usable in most of the popular browsers and I have tested it on:

  • Mozilla FireFox v3.0.6
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer v7.0
  • Safari v3.2.2

It was designed to be viewed on a monitor set to at least 800x600 resolution without needing to revert to horizontal scrolling. If you're using a higher resolution, so much the better, but the pages on this site will not stretch to fill the entire screen.

Due to the fact that all browsers have their own way of displaying information, some parts of the site may look or work differently between browsers, however, all aspects of the site should work.

All pages on this site have been validated and conform to the W3C guidelines and standards.

Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional